Teeter Totter
It's been a very balanced day for me, equal parts good and bad. It started as soon as I woke up. I had a dream last night that my cousin Brian was still alive and grown up. It was such a great dream - he was fun and wonderful and vibrant and witty and mature, just as I know he would be. It was one of those dreams that you don't want to wake up from, a funny, goofy, perfect kind of dream where everything is right. That was the first good of the day (or night?). The bad - heartbreaking, awful kind of bad - came as soon as I woke up and realized that it was a dream. The rest of my good/bad/happy/sad's of the day are not nearly as profound or important to me. My next bad was when I got onto the treadmill. As if running on a treadmill isn't bad enough, I wanted to quit after about 10 seconds. I usually have a (tiny) bit more motivation than that. The good came when some Bob Marley started singing "Don't worry about a thing; every little thing is gonna be alright," and it was absolutely what I needed to hear. I realized that I was making lists, guidelines, schedules, plans, daily goals, etc. I was also probably still a little shaken from my dream, the injustice in the world, the stinking ridiculous oil spill, stupid stuff to worry about because I have *no* control over it, stuff like that. Bob helped me chill out and gave me the clear headedness to finish my run. Author's Note: I'll be honest, when I say "run," I mean jog. Slow jog. Don't be impressed :)
Good/bad/happy/sad of the day #3: We had some flash floods yesterday in the old OKC. If we have not been plagued by bad weather this year, you can call me Shirly. (I have NO idea what that means or if it even makes sense. It might be from a movie? Or maybe I just made it up? Regardless, it just came out, and I thought it was so random and dorky that I didn't edit it out). You get my point. So anyway, word is that there were no casualties of the flood,

but I had a few little casualties in my front yard. I went out to get the mail this afternoon and saw this:
Our cute little bird nest in our tree got too wet/heavy from the rain and fell out! I was so sad! I got a closer look to see if maybe the babies had already hatched, and I saw this:
They hadn't hatched :( :( So sad! Poor little baby birds were casualties to the heavy rain yesterday! I don't think you can see by the picture, but two of the eggs were cracked. I tried to put the nest back into the tree, but I'm pretty sure it won't matter.
After my sad discovery, I continued on and got the mail, and my happy came in the form of this:
I don't know if you can read the tiny print on the bridge, so I'll translate: "Summer Fiction: 20 under 40" of the New Yorker. This is the reason I subscribe to the New Yorker - it's excerpts from 20 new/cool/hip/fab/trendy/fantastic/creative/I-want-to-be-them authors. It was joy and bliss when I realized what issue it was, because honestly, I kind of forgot about it. Like when you find money in your jeans type of happiness.
Overall, I like the way today played out. Sure, if I had my choice, everything would be happy all the time, and I would have avoided the bad. Who wouldn't want that? But isn't that a small picture of life: there's lots of happy and good, but there's lots of bad and sad. It's a balancing act.
Love your good and bad day. I think I'll try to find the good parts of my day......so far I haven't had any unless you want to count my cinnamon toast. Hmmm, I think that does count:)
Have another good day, Erin
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