OKC Thunderrrrrrr!
In keeping with my current tradition of blogging a few days behind, I thought I'd share my thoughts about Oklahoma City's newest plaything: our NBA team! Hooray! I love the NBA, so I was way excited when we got the Sonics. Sure, maybe the whole deal was a little shady, but I'm happy regardless. Tuesday night was the first home pre-season game, and I was ready to go get a peek at my new boys. Kevin Durant looked good, and I give him props for playing a fair chunk of time in a pre-season game. Usually the big stars of the team sit a lot of time out to avoid injury, but not KD. I also liked Johan Petro, he's a hustler! (in a good way..haha)Justin and I got season tickets, and here's the view from our seats:
So we got there, got all settled in to our comfy seats, then the greatest thing happened. The man with the seats next to us (remember...season tickets....as in, we're next to him every game this year) enters. With three beers and a mouth full of chew. And a moustache and a rattail. Now I swear that I'm not an elitist jerk, and I don't judge people based on looks. Usually, even grown men with rattails. I'm sure there are a lot of quality people who for some reason like one strand of hair running down their back. So none of this would usually bother me (too much), but then he opened his mouth. He opened it loudly. I am sorry to say that I have tickets next to the most obnoxious heckler the world of sports has ever known. I'm not even kidding - it's not even funny stuff he's screaming at the top of his lungs - it's really mean personal attacks. The kind of thing that you hear and think, "Thank God I'm not next to that crazy person." Well, I'm next to him. I really hope that he doesn't stumble upon my blog, or that I don't know his kid or anything, because frankly, I'm sorta scared of him. If he can come up with insults about professional athletes on the fly the way he does, I don't even want to think of what he would say about me!
I swear, we are going to be on TV or in the paper at some point this year because of our lovely neighbor. The really scary part of this story is that he was yelling and screaming this much at a PRESEASON game...just think of how he'll be in a game that actually matters! I shudder at the thought. I'm going to make a small sign that reads "I'm not with him---->" and hold it up anytime he screams profanities at the refs or the other team. It will have to be small, because he can't see me hold it up. I'm scared he'll spit chew in my face or something.
So as the season progresses, check the Oklahoman sports section for me and Justin with grimaces on our faces, because we'll be in there someday. If not us, someone from Element Fusion. Justin will have to warn them all about him so they can mentally prepare!
Beyond that, I'm pondering signs for opening night. "Roar, Thunder" or "Can you hear the Thunder"....which do you prefer? Any other lovely ideas? I'll bring my camera so that I can get some better shots than the iphone shot above.
Go Thunder!! Hooray!
I dare you to start cheering for the other team! :)
Oh my goodness...I'd be scared to! I'll give you and Jake our tickets for a game, and you can cheer for the other team and let me know what happens! haha :)
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