Rag and Bone

My dad loves to watch mystery movies and figure out the ending before it's revealed. We love to watch my dad watch mystery movies, and we anticipate the moment when he pronounces the ending halfway through the movie. He's pretty good at it, so when he gets stumped on those rare occasions, we deem the movie that tricked dad to be a quality mystery movie. Unfortunately for me, I didn't inherit my dad's sleuth ability. I'm just not observant enough, I guess. I love watching movies like Rear Window and The Usual Suspects, but one of the things I love about them is the gasp of surprise when the plot twist is revealed. Good stuff!
*How This Relates to Rag and Bone*
Rag and Bone is a mystery novel by Michael Nava, and is the last in a series of mysteries starring Henry Rios. The good news is...I FIGURED OUT THE ENDING! Yes, it's true! Unfortunately, it would be awful of me to write out my proudest mystery moment, because I can't do so without ruining the mystery for everyone, so you'll just have to take my word for it. According to the Holliday family mystery rating scale, I'm sure that the fact that I figured out the ending before it was revealed would equate to a low ranking storyline. However, I liked it. It was entertaining and fun to read. Maybe I liked it a little more because it gave me hope that I could become a mystery figure-outer like my dad. Probably not, but at least I'm on the map now with one victory under my belt.
My mom is the same way! You can have this awesome movie with a great plot twist and you were so excited and about three minutes in she announces the end and man it deflates your bubble. remind me to tell you how she cracked the plot on unbreakable. anyway i am glad you found a great mystery novel to crack the code on. i might look into it! you are awesome.
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