Creepy Crawly!
My poor little lonely, neglected blog. I'm not too sure why I haven't blogged lately, because a lot of blog-worthy things have happened in the week since I've typed out my usually mundane life. Here are a few highlight:We went camping last weekend. I didn't take any fun pictures, because we went to the Wichita Mtns. in Lawton (like we always do), so the pictures are starting to get pretty redundant. However, there were two noteworthy differences in this Wichita camping trip:
1. We went on a hike, and we let Buckley lead the entire way back. He didn't miss a step! There were at least 5 decisions he had to make, and he didn't even hesitate! He led us all the way back to our exact campsite...little smarty dog! We were pretty impressed.
2. I saw.....a my. campsite. I wish I could tell you that I was kidding, or that I'm exaggerating, it wasn't really that big, but unfortunately for me, I'm not kidding, and it WAS that big. And fat. And hairy. It was dark, and I saw something scurry by our campfire (maybe 4 feet away!) Justin looked, and by the time he said what it was, I was already about 20 feet away! Now, for the record, I hate it when animals die needlessly. Really hate it. I don't like to eat meat, hate to see roadkill, would never go hunting, and close my eyes when I'm watching nature shows and the predator kills its prey. It's just too sad for me. However, when there's a tarantula encroaching on my campsite (I know, I'm encroaching on its home, but I had to SLEEP there!), it must die. Justin didn't want to kill it, but after much deliberation, the poor little guy had to go. I'm sorry, poor spider up in heaven that you had to die because I'm a chicken, but I wish you wouldn't have gotten so close to the campfire. Ignorance is bliss when it comes to spiders and camping.
How fun!!! I so want to go camping!! Yuck about the spider!!
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