My Attempt at Sportsblogging

In the world of blogs, there are two types of blogger who must have extremely thick skin: the political blogger and the sports blogger. I am neither, and I really don't have thick skin, so I hope random people don't crucify me here. I'll preface my thoughts by admitting that they are extremely biased. I love Oklahoma, Bob Stoops, Sam Bradford, and everything else related to the Sooners. So there. I admit it :) So here are my 2 cents about tonight's BCS National Championship. (No relation to Kelly Ogle's My 2 annoying is that?!?)
The following things I KNOW...
1. Oklahoma NEEDS this win tonight. Florida wants the win, OU needs it. "Big game Bob" has had 4 straight BCS losses, 2 for the championship, and another would be bad. Really bad. If OU loses tonight, I will not watch ESPN for a few days, because it will be a massacre. Perhaps it should be...
2. Florida is focusing a lot on the trash talk. I know it all started with the whole "Tebow would be the 4th best QB in the big 12," but still, they've retaliated and then some. Enough already!
3. Oklahoma has an insane offense. Florida has a good offense. Oklahoma has a decent defense. Florida has a good defense. Florida has good special teams. Oklahoma has terrible special teams. The only team that has an IN-credible aspect of their game is Oklahoma. This fact alone should put Florida on the defensive.
4. If we ever want Texas to shut up about Oklahoma going to the National Championship and not them, we have to win. Please, for that reason alone, let us win! ;)
The following things I BELIEVE...
1. Kirk Herbstreit and ESPN are bigtime Oklahoma naysayers. Say what you will, maybe I'm crazy, but I believe it. I can't say that I entirely blame them, because they're smart fellas and they remember all of our losses in recent years, but still, for being "unbiased" media, they have some issues. I would L-O-V-E for Oklahoma to win after all of the Florida hype.
2. I think whoever wins, even if it's Oklahoma, that they should share the championship with Utah. Maybe that's not being die hard enough for some people, but it is not right that a team goes 13-0 and beats a team that spent 5 weeks at #1 and doesn't get a piece of the pie. What are they even playing for? Where is the reward for them? It's really not right.
3. Whoever wins, life will go on tomorrow. Sure, there's a lot of nervous anticipation, a lot of supersitition, and a lot of excitement here today, but ultimately it's a game. An important one, but a game nonetheless. Now, our party will be a huge bust and that we'll be depressed for the night if we lose, but we'll wake up tomorrow and look forward to next season. And in the meantime, we always have the Oklahoma Thunder to root for! hahahaha :)
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