Monday, July 14, 2008

Playing Catch-up, part 2

Welcome to Colorful Colorado!

Justin and I went to Colorado for vacation 2 weeks ago. (I told you...I'm really behind on my blogging events!) We had a great time. Justin's parents came as well, and we stayed with Justin's Aunt and Uncle. We had a fantastic time with the family - We don't get to see the Premo's nearly enough, and we had a lot of fun meeting our new cousin Sam Premo-Hopkins - he's cute and a half! :)

Don, Cheryl, Justin and I went up to Pike's Peak in a cog train, and that was so fun! It SNOWED while we were up there. It was incredible to see the "purple mountains magesty." Actually, the woman who wrote "America the Beatuiful" wrote it when she was visiting Pike's Peak! No joke!

Then, the hike. Oh where to begin? For Justin's 30th birthday last year, I got him an adventure package, and he used it to get a mountain guide to take us on a hike up a mountain. Not just a leisurely stroll up a path, A MOUNTAIN....I was not too excited about this, but Justin wanted me to come with him, so what's a loving wife to do? ;) We had to get up at 4:00 AM to get to Boulder, and we started hiking at 5:00. It was hard - that's it in a nutshell. It was uphill, through snow (which was killer on the legs). At one point during a break, I told Justin "this is the worst thing I've ever done in my life...I hate this." When we reached the top, I softened a little bit. I know it wasn't the most challenging summit in the world, but for all I cared, I was on top of Everest. It was IN-credible. Beautiful. The best view I've ever had. Rewarding sense of accomplishment. All of the things you hear, but don't really know until you do it.

We also went on a hot air balloon ride. Neither of us knew what to expect on this adventure, but it was surprisingly relaxing and chill. It was another 4:00 morning (yeah, I got a little sick of those). It was interesting to watch them get the balloon ready, blow it up, etc. The basket was a little cramped; there were 5 of us in it, so there wasn't much moving around. We had stellar views, a soft breeze, and a nifty floating sensation. I highly recommend a hot air balloon ride, but only in a scenic area, because looking around is pretty much all there is to do. (i.e. do not take a hot air balloon ride in Oklahoma City, because it would be pretty boring)

Welp, there's the Cliff's Notes version of the travel journal...we had a great trip, but there's always something great about coming home, seeing a happy pup at the door, and crawling into your very own bed.


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