Monday, June 16, 2008


I don't know why, but I had a tough time deciding on a name for my shiny new blog. Should I go with something cute and witty? Probably can't pull that off...How about pet nicknames? Cheesy...Something about my hobbies? "Bookworm Housewife" is embarassingly unflattering...Ah, yes! A quote! Those quotes will always save you in a pinch, no?

Now that the quote idea was settled, which quote will I go with? Bible quote? Book quote? These questions opened up a whole new can of worms. What will my blog be about? Why am I even creating this blog? Why do I overthink stupid decisions? Finally, a random flashback of American Lit appeared, and my favorite quote from the clever transcendentalist Ralph Waldo Emerson popped into my head: "The poet is the sayer, the namer, and represents beauty."

I would be completely insane if I considered myself a poet, or even a writer for that matter, but I love this thought by Emerson so much because it puts a value on writing. All writing, whether it be Emerson-quality poetry or Cowan-quality blogging (which I must admit needs some polishing), is valuable. Even though I am quite sure that this blog will be of little value to anyone but me, it is still valued because the act of expression through the written word is valued.

So there we have it. I like my blog's name, "The sayer and the namer," and will try to be a good owner to my new little online pet - After all, its name demands some respect! Representin' Emerson! :)


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