I am in a funk. I've been in one all day. It all started when I woke up and had a headache, and it was all downhill from there. I know I have nothing to be upset about, which makes me more upset that I'm upset at nothing....see that? A perfect example of my funk. Blah.So what does one do when in a funk? Well, I went to the gym to try to release some of those fabled endorphins, but no runner's high for me. Then I decided to do something fun with Buckley, who also seemed like he was in a funk. (Yes, I believe I can read my dog's moods.) Following is a chronicle of Buck and I trying to rid ourselves of our moodiness.
ME: Buckley...(waits for his ears to perk)...WANNA GO TO THE PARK?
BUCK: (pause to see if I'm serious, then profuse tail wagging)
ME: Ok then, let's go for a CAR RIDE. FYI, all of the bolded words are words in Buckley's vocabulary.
BUCK: (scampers around excitedly. His bad mood was a lot easier to cure than mine...go figure)
1. It was 2:00, thus making it Happy Hour at Sonic!
2. It was 2:00, thus making it 1,000 degrees outside.
3. Buckley can't go on a walk longer than 1/4 mile without wanting to stop when it's hot. He's a total baby.
I had to stop for a photo shoot. Ths is a regular occurance for my poor dog; he has more pictures taken of him than most children. It doesn't help that he's the best picture poser in the world. Seriously, how cute is he? Sure, his head doesn't really match his body yet, but still.....
The sky was gorgeous. There are few things in this world better than:
-A dark blue sky on a summer day
-A walk in the park with a happy dog
-Sonic drinks purchased during happy hour
-An afternoon of relaxation
So after my idyllic afternoon, I came back to my house, and within 10 minutes was back in my funk. Then I felt bad about being back in my funk, and thus returned the vicious cycle of a bad mood. I promise tomorrow will be better!!
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