A Mish-Mash of Thoughts...
I know this probably won't constitute a blog posting (a good one, anyway), but following are a few musings on this fair Friday.
1. "No Parking." Where could you possibly park at that intersection? Look around, there's only traffic lanes, no medians or anything! On the other side of the road, there's a ditch, so I'm pretty sure nobody will be tempted to park there.
2. "On Right of Way." What is a right of way? I thought "right of way" was a state of being, like "I have right of way" or "don't go...she has right of way." I didn't know that a "right of way" place existed in which you could not park. I'm so confused...anyone have any insight into this mysterious sign?
The Weather is IN-credible. For real! I went out at noon today, and it was 79 degrees. In August. In Oklahoma. It also has that fresh summer rain smell that is just indescribably appealing. Everything is still lovely and green, as opposed to the scorched brown grass we're used to seeing in Oklahoma this time of year. Hooray for beautiful nature and perfect weather! When I went out today, I rolled all the windows down in my car. I even stuck my arm out the window. I felt like I was in a Nova in 1974, but it was still fun :)
Cards! Here are some cards I've made over the last few weeks:
Justin and I went to see Tropic Thunder last night. It was goofy and funny. Robert Downey Jr. was great, and I thought Tom Cruise was a total scene stealer. He was GREAT! He was wearing a fat suit and a bald wig, and he danced to rap music. Bald, fat white guy dancing to rap = funny. It was extremely crude with insane amounts of bad language, but other than that, it was funny. Props to Ben Stiller!
While I'm handing out props, I'll give a few to myself. I've had one tank of gas for almost.....wait for it....drum roll please....THREE WEEKS! I say almost because sadly, there's no way I will make it a full 3 weeks. I filled up on Monday, July 28, and there's no way I can make it until next Monday. I guess I could take Justin's car everywhere this weekend, but that's kind of cheating, and that's not what I'm about. I know I don't have a daily commute, which cuts down on my gas consumption, but I'm still pretty proud of my almost 3 weeks!
College football starts in TWO WEEKS! Oh the anticipation! I vowed at the end of last season to not watch "College Football Game Day" or follow any of the polls, so we'll see how that goes. I'll try with all of the restraint I have. After Kirk Herbstreet saying DURING the OU game that we don't deserve to go to the National Championship (while we're beating the #1 team in the country in the Big 12 Championship) AND listening to the Ohio State bashing during the National Championship, the College football commentators have made an enemy out of me. They are so biased it's depressing. OK, after writing all of that down, I have a new found steadfastness to boycott the talking heads of college football. Thanks, Blogger!
Welp, there you have it. My day in thoughts. Happy weekend to all, and to all a good night!
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